Baby Doomer

Selfish Young People Aren't Having Kids Anymore, A Guest Column by Your Mother

Apparently, young people aren’t having kids anymore, pushing the United States into what some are calling a “demographic winter”. Data shows that Millenials and Gen Z are having fewer children than previous generations or eschewing parenthood altogether. This of course begs the question: Why don’t you want me to be a grandmother!?

US Census data shows that the percentage of women between the ages of 30 and 44 without children is the highest it’s been since 1960 and the fertility rate has dropped to 1.8 children per woman, well below a population replacement quota of 2.1. Another distressing figure of this phenomenon is that it leaves 100% of me with zero grandchildren.

While that data seems bleak, The United States still has a higher fertility rate than many other countries, which really just serves to rub salt in the wound since, statistically, you should’ve blessed me with a little bundle of joy by now.

Many sources suggest that economic considerations such as high rent, grocery, and childcare costs are scaring off much of the younger generations from becoming parents. Those costs however are probably nothing in comparison to costing me my only chance to be called “Nana” or “Grammy” by an adorable little cherub I can dote on and spoil to my heart’s content.

Young people today may believe that these and other economic factors are depriving them of the opportunity for homeownership and the financial stability necessary to start a family. Be that as it may, have you considered that you’re depriving me of happiness? Did I really raise you to be so selfish?

Another factor that may have led to the national fertility rate cratering along with my dreams of grandparenthood is uncertainty of the future. With political turmoil, a worsening climate, and a general feeling that things may not turn out okay, some feel that now is not a good time to bring more life into the world. While the existential dread many are feeling is understandable, why not consider my existential dread of never holding my newborn grandchild for the first time?

An important thing to remember, other than the mental image of your poor, old mother dying alone having never felt the grip of her grandchild’s tiny hand on her finger, is that you’re going to want a couple of adult kids around when you reach retirement age. If not, you might find yourself with nobody to care for or financially support you in your later years. Actually, since I have you here, we should probably talk about that….

You can read more from your mother by unmuting her on Facebook or maybe just call her every once in a while, you ungrateful brat