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The In Crowd
"Sure is Crowded in Here" Says Customer Who is Part of Crowd
A customer at a store in Pensacola, Florida is awestruck by how crowded it is, a fact he’s able to observe as part of the crowd.
Sure are a lot of people here for a Sunday,” says Ross Muir, who is also there on a Sunday. “I didn’t realize there’d be this many people here today!”A quick web search shows that the Muirs have entered the store during the busiest part of the day.“It’s such a lovely day, I can’t believe more people wouldn’t want to spend it outside,” says Ross’s wife Aubrey who is notably choosing to spend her day indoors shopping.As the Muirs join the crowd they seem oddly vexed by, we take a moment to ask what brings them here on this particular day at this particular time.“We had just left church and thought we’d do some quick shopping before we went home,” says Ross amongst hundreds of people who had the exact same idea.
“I can’t believe people make such a mess of these stores,” says Aubrey who has, since entering, picked up several items and put them back in random places. “No respect for the people who work here!”“I know,” adds Ross, “and nobody seems to pay attention to their kids in these places either.”The Muirs’ two children, Emily (9) and RJ (11) ran off immediately upon entering the store and were last reported throwing fedoras across the menswear department like Frisbee brand flying disk toys.“I honestly can’t believe people don’t have better things to do,” remarks Ross who is currently avoiding several chores and household repairs while also neglecting the fact that his mother would really love a family visit right about now.While the Muirs navigate and complain about the crowd they have definitely helped create, they discuss plans for the remainder of their Sunday afternoon.“Maybe a quick lunch at like an Applebee’s or a Chili’s,” says Ross Muir. “I don’t see any issue with getting a table right away.”Yeah, good luck with that.