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- The Unappreciated
The Unappreciated
District Manager Visits Store, Doesn't Notice All the Work Employee Did to Make It Look Nice For Him

People generally like to know their hard work is noticed and appreciated. Without that acknowledgement, someone might start to feel their efforts are going largely unnoticed and may wonder if it’s even worth trying at all. This is how Mark Leto felt the day the district manager visited his store.
“I spent all morning getting the department ready for him,” says Leto, a longtime merchandiser at Kessler’s All-In-One in Bismarck, North Dakota. “Not to mention all the fudging I had to do on my space assignments to make sure it was well-stocked.”
A cursory glance around Leto’s cookware department reveals fully-stocked shelves, merchandise immaculately aligned and fronted to the aisle, and all displays in shape as new with price tags and information cards. This could pass as a department that’s never been touched by the clumsy, sticky hands of customers.
“But did he even notice?” says Leto.
We’re guessing not.
About a week ago, the staff was alerted that Gregory Collins, district manager of the upper midwest region, would be visiting. Naturally, all projects were put on hold to get the store presentable enough for his presence because, as one worker put it, “God forbid he sees what it’s actually like here and think we might need an additional resource or two”. Mark Leto saw an opportunity for recognition.
“I just wanted him to realize that what we have is special, in this department,” says Mark. “It’s always pulled its numbers, and I was hoping he’d be reminded that Cookware has always been here for the district. Dependable.”
Mr. Collins came through Cookware early in his visit with the store’s upper management in tow, spent roughly two minutes in the department, and didn’t acknowledge that Mark Leto was even there. He only made two comments on the department.
The first: “Hmm, it looks like they changed the endcaps since I was here last. Can we make sure the range groupings on these are correct?”
“Oh, now he notices the end caps?!” says Leto. “I changed those months ago and he’s been through since then. And is he serious about my range groupings? My range groupings are always impeccable, which he’d know if he ever took the slightest bit of interest in what I do here!”
The second: “I think we should mark down the pink designer cookware. It’s not moving on its own. Let’s clear it out of here.”
“I can’t believe all he wants from me are markdowns,” says Leto. “As if that will rekindle things. And my stock moves just fine with a little merchandising, thank you very much. I don’t need to resort to cheap tricks like markdowns and sales banners like all those cheap, clearance departments he’s so obsessed with.”
Leto takes a breath, composes himself, and adds: “Okay, fine. If markdowns is what it takes to keep him interested, I’ll do it. But not until he leaves. I swear, I will not let that man see me price!”
After his second comment, Mr. Collins and the management team walked off towards the bedding department without so much as a second glance at Leto’s perfectly lined and fronted area.
“I don’t know why I even bother sometimes….” sighs Leto.
“Did you know that as of last week I’ve been at this store for five years now?” he continues, unprompted. “He didn’t say a word about it. Not a ‘congratulations’ or a ‘glad to have you on the team’ or even a handshake. I swear he hasn’t even tried to shake my hand in years.”
Leto, left alone in his department with not much to do until his daily truck manifest comes in, wanders his neat, orderly world. He’s all alone until Bernardo Cruz, one of the sales managers, comes back into his department at a jog.
“Hey, Big Mark,” he says, “I just wanted to let you know your department looked really good today. Good job. Appreciate’cha!”
“Th-thanks, B-Nardz!” says Leto just before Cruz pats him on the back and then rushes off to rejoin the convoy.
Leto, who has now perked up a bit, surveys his department with a glint of pride in his eyes.
“Just goes to show,” he says, “that you waste all this time worrying about a manager who doesn’t care at all about your department when the one who does was right under your nose the whole time. It’s funny.”
It’s true that we should never waste our efforts on those who don’t appreciate them and we’re glad Mark Leto was able to find true appreciation in the end. It gives hope to retail workers everywhere that we too might be able to find appreciation in familiar yet unexpected places. But maybe don't dedicate too much of your emotional bandwidth to it though.